Ahn, Jae HyeonProfessor
- Digital Strategy, IoT and Business Analytics, Eye-Tracking fo...
- 82-2-958-3677
- jahn@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage
Han, Jin SooAssistant Professor
- Applied Microeconomics, Energy & Environmental Economics, Indu...
- 02-958-3362
- jinsoo.han@kaist.ac.kr

Kang, KeumseokAssociate Professor | Coordinator
- Information Systems, Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligen...
- 02-958-3593
- keumkang@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage

Lee, Kyu-MinInvited Professor
- Social Networks, Data Science, AI Business Strategy, Business ...
- 02-958-3639
- kyuminlee@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage

Oh, WonseokProfessor
- Economics of IT and AI, Mobile Commerce, Emerging Technologies...
- 82-2-958-3523
- wonseok.oh@kaist.ac.kr

Park, ByunghoAssociate Professor
- Mass Communication
- 82-2-958-3514
- mediapark@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage
PARK, SUNGHYUKAssistant Professor
- Predictive Analytics; AI Applications; Recommender Sys...
- sunghyuk.park@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage

Shin, DonghyukAssociate Professor
- Artificial Intelligence, Economics of AI and IT, AI/ML Applica...
- 02-958-3286
- dhs@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage
- Content : Bae, ImKoo
- Email : hjchoi7@kaist.ac.kr