Beyond Knowledge
Building Excellence Together!

IT Management

Kim, Young-Gul Professor 사진
Kim, Young-Gul Professor
Contact Information
  • Office.S306
  • Tel.82-2-958-3614
  • Homepage/Lab. Lab.
Research Areas Management Information Systems


    ▶ Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1990


    ▶ KAIST Info-Media Research Center, director 2011 ~ currently
    ▶ KAIST Grad. School of Information&Media Management, dean 2009-2011
    ▶ KAIST Executive MBA prorgram, program chair: 2003 ~ 2007
    ▶ KAIST Knowledge Management Research Center, director, 2001 ~ 2007
    ▶ KAIST Graduate School of Management , faculty, 1993 ~ currently
    ▶ Univ. of Pittsburgh,Assistant Prof., 1990 - 1993

    ▶ 2007 - Presidential award for Research Excellence
    ▶ 2006 - Best paper at Korea Knowledge Management Society
    ▶ 2005 - KAIST Grand Prize of Teaching Excellence
    ▶ 2004 - Business Process Management Joural "Best Paper of 2003"
    ▶ 2002 - IBM Best Paper at Korea MIS Society
    ▶ 1998 - Andersen Consulting Best Paper at Korea MIS Society
    ▶ 1997 - Best paper (Overall and in MIS track) Int'l DSI Conference (Sydney, Australia)

Publications & Research

Publications (patents, etc.)

    ▶ Jae-Nam Lee and Young-Gul Kim, "Effect of Partnership Quality on IS Outsourcing Success : Conceptual framework and Empirical Validation," Journal of MIS, 1999
    ▶ Kee-Young Kwahk and Young-Gul Kim, "Supporting Business Process Redesign using Congnitive Maps," Decision Support Systems, 1999
    Kyong-Ho Kim, Young-Gul Kim, "Process Reverse Engineering for BPR: A Form-Based Approach," Information and Management, Vol. 33, 1998, pp. 187-200
    ▶ Gil-Hyung Lee, Young-Gul Kim, "Implementing Client-Server Technology in Korean Organizations: Interrelated IT Innovation Perspective," IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, Vol. 45, No. 3, Aug. 1998, pp. 287-295
    ▶ Jeong-Wook Kim, Young-Gul Kim, "Effect of Information Resource Control on IS Effectiveness: Empirical Validation," Computer and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 3, 1998, pp. 629-642
    ▶ Kee-Young Kwahk and Young-Gul Kim, "A Cognitive Model based Approach for Organizational Conflict Resolution," International Journal of Information Management, 1998, 18(6)

Research Areas

    ▶ Information Strategy Planning
    ▶ Enterprise Data & Process Modeling
    ▶ Customer Information System and Knowledge Management Systems