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IT Management

Ahn, Jae Hyeon Professor 사진
Ahn, Jae Hyeon Professor
Contact Information
Research Areas Digital Strategy, IoT and Business Analytics, Eye-Tracking for UI and e-Commerce


    ▶ Ph.D., Stanford University, Decision Analysis Major, 1993
    ▶ MS, Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, 1986
    ▶ BS, Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, 1984


    ▶ College of Business, KAIST, Seoul, Korea, Professor, 1998-Present
    ▶ President, KORMS (Korea Operations Reserach and Management Science), 2020.1-2020.12
    ▶ College of Business, KAIST, Head of School of Management Engineering, 2019.6-2021.8
    ▶ College of Business, KAIST, AIM Management Program, Director, 2015.8 - 2019.7
    ▶ SK Telecom, Board of Directors, Outside Director, 2014.3 - 2020.3
    ▶ Korea Polytechnic University, Outside Director, 2016.4 - 2020.4
    ▶ KAIST Business School, Vice Dean for External Affair, 2013.5 - 2015.4.
    ▶ KAIST School of Information and Media Management, Dean, 2011.9 - 2013. 8.
    ▶ President, Society for Media Management, 2010-2011.
    ▶ Marshall School of Busienss, USC, LA, USA, Visiting Professor, 2008-2009,
    ▶ AT&T Labs, Business System Division, Florham Park, NJ, U.S.A, 2003-2004, Visiting Professor.
    ▶ AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, U.S.A, Senior Technical Staff Member, Decision Analysis and Intelligent Systems Group, NJ, USA, 1993-1998,
    ▶ Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, U.S.A, Consultant,1990--1993.

    ▶ Best Completed Research Paper Award (2nd Runner-Up), Alexa, Tell Me More: The Effect of Advertisements on Memory Accuracy from Smart Speakers, The 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2018.
    ▶ Korea Gallop Research Paper Award (Paper, titled “The Effect of Visual Stimuli in Internet Banner Ads: The Moderating Role of Task and Complexity of Visual Stimuli” was selected as one of the best four papers out of all the published papers in 2009 in the area of media research), 2009.
    ▶ Best Research Paper Award (“Measuring Consumer Preferences Using Multi-Attribute Utility Theory”) out of all the published Papers in the Journal of MIS Research published in 2008, The Korea Society of Management Information Systems, Korea, 2009.
    ▶ Best Conference Paper Award (“Sources of Trust toward a Market-maker in the e-Marketplace), The Korea Society of Management Information Systems, Korea, 2005.

    ▶ Best Teaching Award, KAIST, Korea, 2004.
    ▶ Best Teaching Award, College of Business, KAIST, Korea, 2003.

    ▶ Achievement Award, KAIST, Korea, 2008.
    ▶ IITA Contribution Award, Dec 2007
    ▶ Contribution Award, College of Business, KAIST, Korea, 2006, 2007.
    ▶ Research Contribution Award, Korean IT Research Administration Agency (IITA), Daejeon, Korea, 2007.
    ▶ AT&T Merit Award, Contribution to APRI-ARC Billing, 2004

Industry Advisory Activities

    Dacom, ETRI, GS Group, Hyundai-Asan Hospital, KT, KTF, LG Electronics, Kukmin Bank, S-Oil, SamSung Eleoctronics, SKT, etc.
Publications & Research

Publications (patents, etc.)

    ▶ Alexa, Tell Me More! The Effectiveness of Advertisements through Smart Speakers, Kyuhong Park, Yongjin Park, Junyeong Lee, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Dongyeon Kim, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2022, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 2-24.

    ▶ Can It Clean Up Your Inbox? Evidence from South Korean Antispam Legislation, Jaehyeon Ju, Daegon Cho, Jae Kyu Lee, Jae?Hyeon Ahn, Production and Operations Management, 2021, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 2636-2652.

    ▶ How Does the Mobile Channel Reshape the Sales Distribution in E-Commerce?, Yongjin Park, Youngsok Bang, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Information Systems Research, 2020, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 1164-1182.

    ▶ Optimal triage for COVID-19 Patients under Limited Healthcare Resources: Development of a parsimonious Machine Learning Prediction Model and Threshold Optimization using Discrete-event Simulation, Jeongmin Kim, Hakyung Lim, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Kyoung Hwa Lee, Kwang Suk Lee, Kyo Chul Koo, JMIR Medical Informatics, 2021, Vol. 9, Issue 11.
    ▶ How Does the Mobile Channel Reshape the Sales Distribution in E-Commerce?, Yongjin Park, Youngsok Bang, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Information Systems Research, Accepted for publication

    ▶ Valuable Genomes: Taxonomy and Archetypes of Business Models in Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing, Thiebes S, Toussaint PA, Ju J, Ahn Jae-Hyeon, Lyytinen K, Sunyaev A, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020; Vol 22, No. 1.

    ▶ Willingness to Provide Personal Information: Perspective of Privacy Calculus in IoT Services, Dongyeon Kim, Kyuhong Park, Yongjin Park, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 92, 1, 2019, pp. 273-281.

    ▶ Attention Adjustment, Renewal, and Equilibrium Seeking in Online Search: An Eye-Tracking Approach, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Yoon-Soo Base, Jaehyon Ju, Wonseok Oh, Journal of Management Information System, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2018, pp. 1218-1250.

    ▶ The effect of platform characteristics on the adoption of smart speakers: Empirical evidence in South Korea, Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 35, 2018, pp. 2118-2132.

    ▶ Managing initial expectations when word-of-mouth matters: Effects of product value and consumer heterogeneity, European Journal of Marketing, Sangyoon Yi, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2017, pp. 123-156.

    ▶The effect of social and ambient factors on impulse purchasing behavior in social commerce, Jaehyeon Ju, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, pp. 285-306.

    ▶ The Effect of Repetition in Internet Banner Ads and the Moderating Role of Animation, JooWon Lee, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Byungho Park, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 46, 2015, pp. 202-209.

    ▶ Channel Capabilities, Product Characteristics, and the Impact of Mobile Channel Introduction, Youngsok Bang, Dong-Joo Lee, Kunsoo Han, Minha Hwang, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2013, pp. 101-125.

    ▶ Attention to Banner Ads and Their Effectiveness: An Eye-Tracking Approach, JooWon Lee and Jae-Hyeon Ahn, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 119-137.

    ▶ Improving Information Security Management: An Analysis of ID-Password Usage and a New Login Vulnerability, with Youngsok Bang, Dong-Joo Lee, Yoon Soo Bae, Jae-Hyeon Ahn, International Journal of Information Management, 2012, Vol. 32, pp. 409-418.

    ▶ Managing Consumer Privacy Concerns in Personalization: A Strategic Analysis of Privacy Protection, MIS Quarterly, 2011, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 423-444.

    ▶ Policy Analysis for Online Game Addiction Problems, with Bongwon Park, System Dynamics Review, 2010, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.117-138.

    ▶ Reward Systems for Intra-organizational Knowledge Sharing, with Dong-Joo Lee, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 180, No. 2, pp. 938-956, 2007

    ▶ Management of Trust in the E-marketplace: The role of the buyer's experience in building trust", with Myoung-Soo Kim, Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 119-132, 2007

    ▶ Customer churn analysis: churn determinants and mediation effects of partial defection in the Korean mobile telecommunications service industry with Sang-Pil Han, and Yung-Seop Lee, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 30, No. 10-11, P. 552 - 568, Nov-Dec, 2006.

    ▶ Balancing Business Performance and Knowledge Performance of New Product Development: Lessons from ITS Industry, with Dong-Joo Lee and Sang-Yoon Lee, Long Range Planning (LRP), Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 525 - 542, 2006.

    ▶ Comparison of Trust Sources of an Online Market-maker in the e-Marketplace: Buyer’s and Seller’s Perspective, with Myoung-Soo Kim, Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), Vol. XLVII, No. 1, pp. 84-94, Fall 2006.

    ▶ Learning from the Failure: Experiences in the Korean Telecommunications Markets, with Myoung-Soo Kim and Dong-Joo Lee, Technovation(TV), Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 69-82, 2005.

    ▶ Rewarding Knowledge Sharing under Measurement Uncertainty, with Dong-Ju Lee, Knowledge Management Research and Practice (KMRP), Vol. 3, pp. 229-243, 2005.

    ▶ Product and Process Knowledge in the Performance-Oriented Knowledge Management Approach, with Suk-Gwon Chang, Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM), Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 114-132, 2005.

    ▶ Assessing the Contribution of Knowledge to Business Performance: The KP3 Methodology, with Suk-Gwon Chang, Decision Support Systems (DSS), Vol. 36, Issue. 4, pp. 403-416, 2004.

    ▶ Bridging Telecommunications Service: its Concept and Related Management Strategy, with Kyoung Cheon Cha, Duk Bin Jun, and Myoung Hwan Park, Telecommunications Policy (TP), Vol. 28, pp. 733-750, 2004.

    ▶ A Model for the Optimal Decision Timing using Real Options Approach, with Dong-Joo Lee, and Jae-Han Lee, International Journal of Operation and Quantitative Management (IJOQM), Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 185-202, 2004.

    ▶ Managing Risk in a Telecommunications New Service Development Process through a Scenario Planning Approach, with Ann Skudlark, Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Vol. 17, pp. 103-118, 2002.

    ▶ Integrated Call Control in a CDMA Cellular System with Chun-Hyun Paik, Co-Whan Jin, and Dong-Wan Tcha, IEEE on Vehicular Technology (IEEE on VT), Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 97-108, January, 2001.

    ▶ Value of sequential Bayesian Belief Revision Process in the Action-timing problem, with John J. Kim, European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol. 105, No. 1, pp. 118-129, 1998.

    ▶ Decision Support for Real-time Tele-marketing Operations through Bayesian Network Learning with Kazuo Ezawa, Decision Support Systems (DSS), Vol. 21, pp. 17-27, 1997.

    ▶ Resolving Conflict of Interests in the Process of an Information System Implementation for Advanced Telecommunication Services, with Ann E. Skudlark, Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 12, pp. 3-13, March 1997.

    ▶ Deciding Eligibility for Transplantation when a Donor Kidney Becomes Available, with John C. Hornberger, Medical Decision Making (MDM), Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 160-170, April-June 1997.

    ▶ Involving Patients in the Cadaveric Kidney Transplant Allocation Process: A decision-Theoretic Perspective, with John C. Hornberger, Management Science (MS), Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 629-641, May 1996.

Research Areas

    ▶ Digital Strategy, Economics of e-Business, HCI design and Strategy through Eye-tracking

Managing Digital Convergence(IM601)

    This course deals with the managerial issues in the digital convergence. In the broadly defined media industry, value-enhancing activities happen at four different distinct stages in the value chain: Contents, Portal, Networks, and Terminals. Those value chains go through dynamic changes with creative dis-integration and reintegration process of more than two different value chains in the media eco-system.

    Along the line, class topics are grouped into five major parts: 1) Concept and issues in digital convergence, 2) Business models innovation in digital convergence context, 3) Strategy for contents development and evaluation, such as OSMU, UI/UX strategy, 4) Platform or portal strategy for IT, media, and contents industries, 5) Digital convergence of IT with other industries with high-tech strategy implication.

Decision Analysis and its Application(MGT 601)

    One of the most challenging task for managers is the ability to recognize a decision situation, understand its essential features, and obtain insight that makes clear what the appropriate action is and why. Some successful managers seem to have an innate ability to do this, and with hindsight we can sometimes see that their reasoning and choices were really nothing more than common sense. Many of us, however, need assistance in order to identify the decision opportunities we face and develop a clear understanding of the issues.
    In this class, we will learn how to make a quality decision in the managerial to medical and to personal decision environments involving major uncertainties. It will provide the fundamental framework and approach for the major decisions we will make in our life. Also, we will discover many errors people commonly make when they make decisions intuitively and learn how to overcome these errors.

Statistical Analysis and Decision Modelling()

    This course introduces fundamental concepts and applications in business statistics. From lectures, examples, students will learn the basic subject matter required to understand statistical problems in business. Therefore, this is not to derive mathematical equations for statistics.

    The major focus of the class will prepare students for other classes with statistical applications in marketing, finance, manufacturing, operation management, and other business analysis. Also, the class will relate the statistical concept with the business analytics and big data applications. During the class, we learn not only statistical concepts, but how to treat data from data science perspective.

    Therefore, the learning objectives of the courses are
    1. Understand the statistical approach and techniques including hypothesis test, regression, simulation, and decision models with the purpose of applying them to the business problems.
    2. Understand how the computer software can be used to facilitate data analysis and hypothesis testing.
    3. Understand how statistical approach and techniques can be applied to the intertwined business problems in the areas of marketing, finance, manufacturing, operation management, and other business analysis.
    4. Understand the statistical approach for big data analysis from the data science perspective.

Publicity (Article/Column contribution & Media appearance)