Kang, Keumseok Associate Professor
Contact Information
- Office.S326
- Tel.02-958-3593
- E-mail.keumkang@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage/Lab.http://https://www.business.kaist.edu/faculty/keumkang
Research Areas Information Systems, Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence
- Ph.D. (Management), Purdue University
MS (Industrial Engineering), Seoul National University
BS (Industrial Engineering), Seoul National University
- Florida International University, 2011-2018
Samsung SDS, 1998-2006
Publications & Research
Publications (patents, etc.)
- 1) Kang, K., Shanthikumar, J. G., and Altinkemer, K. (2016) "Postponable Acceptance and Assignment: A Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 18(4), 493-508
2) Kang, K., Hahn, J., and De, P. (2017) "Learning Effects of Domain, Technology, and Customer Knowledge in Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study," Information Systems, Research 28(4), 797-811
3) Kang, K., Altinkemer, K., and Hur, I. (2019) "Mobile Coupons Delivery Problem: Postponable Online Multi-constraint Knapsack," Decision Support Systems (116), 13-25
Research Areas
ㆍOrganizational Learning and Team Composition in Information Systems Development
ㆍ Mobile Advertisement Analytics and Strategies
ㆍ Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics in Healthcare
ㆍ Interface between Operations Management and Information Systems
ㆍ Empirical analysis using econometrics and data analytics
ㆍ Analytical modeling using stochastic dynamic programming, Markov decision process, optimization, and simulation
- Content : Bae, ImKoo
- Email : hjchoi7@kaist.ac.kr