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IT Management

Kang, Keumseok Associate Professor 사진
Kang, Keumseok Associate Professor
Contact Information
Research Areas Information Systems, Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence


    Ph.D. (Management), Purdue University
    MS (Industrial Engineering), Seoul National University
    BS (Industrial Engineering), Seoul National University


    Florida International University, 2011-2018
    Samsung SDS, 1998-2006
Publications & Research

Publications (patents, etc.)

    1) Kang, K., Shanthikumar, J. G., and Altinkemer, K. (2016) "Postponable Acceptance and Assignment: A Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 18(4), 493-508
    2) Kang, K., Hahn, J., and De, P. (2017) "Learning Effects of Domain, Technology, and Customer Knowledge in Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study," Information Systems, Research 28(4), 797-811
    3) Kang, K., Altinkemer, K., and Hur, I. (2019) "Mobile Coupons Delivery Problem: Postponable Online Multi-constraint Knapsack," Decision Support Systems (116), 13-25

Research Areas

    ㆍOrganizational Learning and Team Composition in Information Systems Development
    ㆍ Mobile Advertisement Analytics and Strategies
    ㆍ Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics in Healthcare
    ㆍ Interface between Operations Management and Information Systems

    ㆍ Empirical analysis using econometrics and data analytics
    ㆍ Analytical modeling using stochastic dynamic programming, Markov decision process, optimization, and simulation