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IT Management

Oh, Wonseok Professor 사진
Oh, Wonseok Professor
Contact Information
  • Office.S282
  • Tel.82-2-958-3523
Research Areas Economics of IT and AI, Mobile Commerce, Emerging Technologies, Digital Marketing, Digital Finance
Wonseok Oh is the K.C.B. Chair Professor of Information Systems in the College of Business at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Stern School of Business at New York University. His research interests include the economics of information systems, consumer data analytics, AI business strategy, mobile strategy, dgital marketing & digital finance . His research has been published in premier journals, including Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Journal of Management Information Systems, and Production and Operations Management.


    Ph.D. Stern School of Business, New York University


    KAIST College of Business (2013 -), K.C.B Chair Professor,

    KAIST Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, Joint Appointment (2021-)

    Yonsei Univ. College of Business (2010-2012), Professor, Associate Professor

    McGill University (Canada) Desautels Faculty of Management (2000-2010), Associate Professor (with tenure), Assistant Professor

    Desautels Faculty Scholar (Research Fellowship), McGill University (2007-2010)

    Seoul National University, Business School (2007-2008), Visiting Professor

    Senior Editor, Information Systems Research (2019 -)

    Associate Editor, Information Systems Research (2014 - 2018)

    Associate Editor, MIS Quarterly (2007- 2009)

    Editorial Board, Information Systems Research (2014-current), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2015-current), International Journal of E-Commerce (2007- current), MIS Quarterly (2007-2009)
Publications & Research

Publications (patents, etc.)


    “On Crafting Effective Theoretical Contributions for Empirical Papers in Economics of Information Systems: Some Editorial Reflections,” (with Gopal, A., Chen, P., Xu, S., and Sarker, S.) Information Systems Research (Forthcoming) Available at:

    “To Split or to Merge?: How Partitioning Affects Consumption and Engagement with Digital Content,” (with Lee, H., Choi, A., and Sun, T.) Information Systems Research (Forthcoming)

    "Leveraging the Digital Tracing Aler t in Virus Fight: The Impact of COVID-19 Cell Broadcast on Population Movement," (with Ghose, A., Lee, H., and Son, Y.) Information Systems Research 35(2), 2024, pp.570-589

    "The Effects of Pressure and Self-Assurance Nudges on Product Purchases and Returns in Online Retailing: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment," (with Ghose, A., Lee, H., and Nam, K.) Journal of Marketing Research 61(3), 2024. pp.517-535

    “Digitalization of Loyalty: Impacts of Mobile Technology on Reward Redemption and Engagement Level,” (with Son, Y.) Journal of Management Information Systems 40(4), 2023, pp. 1301-1327

    "The Cost of Free: The Effects of "Wait-for-Free" Pricing Schemes on the Monetization of Serialized Digital Content," (with Choi, A., Rhee, K., Yoon, C.) MIS Quarterly 47(3), 2023, pp.1073-1100

    "Interdependence between Online Peer-to-Peer Lending and Cryptocurrency Markets and Its Effects on Financial Inclusion," (with Chung, S., Kim, K., and Lee, C.) Production and Operations Management 32(6), 2023, pp.1939-1957

    "Positive Demand Spillover of Popular App Adoption: Implications for Platform Owners’ Management of Complements," (with Lee, M., Han, S. and Park, S.) Information Systems Research 34(3), 2023, pp. 961-995

    "The Voice of Commerce: How Smart Speakers Reshape Digital Content Consumption and Preference," (with Son, Y. and Im, I.) MIS Quarterly 47(2), 2023, pp. 857-874

    "Self-Regulation and External Influence: The Relative Efficacy of Mobile Apps and Offline Channels for Personal Weight Management," (with Kwon, H., Dewan, S., and Kim, K.) Information Systems Research 34(1), 2023, pp. 50-66

    "Effects of Online Crowds on Self-Disclosure Behaviors in Online Reviews: A Multidimensional Examination," (with Choi, H., Kwak, C., Lee, J., and Lee, H.) Journal of Management Information Systems 39(1), 2022. pp.218-246

    "Reviewing Before Reading? An Empirical Investigation of Book Consumption Patterns and Their Effects on Reviews and Sales," (with Lee, H., Choi, A. and Sun, T.) Information Systems Research 32(4), 2021, pp. 1368-1389

    "Effectiveness of Integrated Offline-and-Online Promotions in Omnichannel Targeting: A Randomized Field Experiment," (with Lee, S. and Son, Y.) Journal of Management Information Systems 38(2), 2021, pp.484-516

    "When Loyalty Goes Mobile: Effects of Mobile Loyalty Apps on Purchase, Redemption, and Competition," (with Son, Y., Han, S., and Park, S.) Information Systems Research 31(3), 2020, pp. 835-847

    "Impact of Customers’ Digital Banking Adoption on Hidden Defection: A Combined Analytical-Empirical Approach," (with Son, Y., Kwon, H., and Giri, T.) Journal of Operations Management 66(4), 2020, pp.418-440

    "When Seeing Helps Believing: The Interactive Effects of Previews and Reviews on E-Book Purchases," (with Choi, A., Cho, D., Im, D. and Moon, J) Information Systems Research 30(4), 2019, pp.1164-1183

    "Seizing the Commuting Moment: Contextual Targeting based on Mobile Transportation Apps," (with Ghose, A., Kwon, H., and Lee, D.) Information Systems Research, 30 (1), 2019, pp. 154-174

    "Attention Adjustment, Renewal, and Equilibrium Seeking in Online Search: An Eye-Tracking Approach," (with Ahn, J., Bae, Y., and Ju, J.) Journal of Management Information Systems 35 (4), 2018, pp. 1218-1250

    "Platform Openness, Multi-Homing, and Age Homophily in Online Social Networks," (with Kwon, H. and Kim, T.) Journal of Management Information Systems 34(3), 2017, pp. 768-802

    "Excessive Dependence on Mobile Social Apps: A Rational Addiction Perspective, " (with Kwon, H., So, H. and Han, S.) Information Systems Research, 27(4), 2016, pp. 919-939

    "Leader Influence on Sustained Participation in Online Collaborative Work Communities: A Simulation-based Approach," (with Moon, J., Hahn, J., and Kim, T.) Information Systems Research 27(2), 2016, pp.383-402

    "Mobile App Analytics: A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choice Framework," (with Han, S.and Park, S.) MIS Quarterly 40(4), 2016, pp. 983-1008

    "Deal-Seeking versus Brand-Seeking: Search Behaviors and Purchase Propensities in Sponsored Search Platforms," (with Im, I., Jeon, J., and Chung, S.) MIS Quarterly, 40(1), March 2016, pp. 187-203

    "Thumbs Up, Sales Up? The Contingent Effect of Social Reference Systems on Sales Performance in Social Commerce," (with Lee, K. and Lee, B.) Journal of Management Information Systems 32(4), 2015. pp.109-143

    "Shipping Fees or Shipping Free; Impact of Product and Retailer Characteristics on Shipping Charges in E-Commerce," (with Gumus, M., Li, S., and Ray, S.) Production and Operations Management 22(4), July-August 2013. pp.758-776

    "A Social Network-Based Inference Model for Validating Self-Reported Customer Demographic Data" (with Park, S., Hur, S., and Han, S. ) MIS Quarterly 36(4), December 2012, pp. 1217-1237

    "Using Real Options to Investigate the Market Value of Virtual World Businesses," (with Yang, S., Lim, J., Animesh, A. and Pinsonneault, A.) Information Systems Research 23 (3), September 2012, pp. 1011-1029

    "Value Co-creation and Wealth Spillover in Open Innovation Alliances" (with Han, K., Im, K., Chang, R., Oh, H. and Pinsonneault, A.) MIS Quarterly 36 (1), March 2012, pp. 291-325

    "An Odyssey into Virtual Worlds: Exploring the Impacts of Architectural and Spatial Environments on User Behaviors," (with Animesh, A., Pinsonneault, A., Yang, S.) MIS Quarterly 35(3), September 2011, pp. 789-810

    "Influence of Industry Characteristics on Information Technology Outsourcing," (Qu, W., and Pinsonneault, A. ) Journal of Management Information Systems 27(4), Spring 2011, pp.99-127

    "A Network Perspective of Digital Competition in Online Advertising Industry: A Simulation-based Approach," (Chang, R., Pinsonneault, A. and Kwon, D.) Information Systems Research 21(3), September 2010, pp.571-593

    "Membership Herding and Network Stability in the Open-Source Community: The Ising Perspective" (with Jeon, S.) Management Science 53 (7), July 2007, pp. 1086-1101

    "Broken Ties: The Impact of Organizational Restructuring on the Stability of Information Processing Networks," (with Kwon, D. and Jeon, S.) Journal of Management Information Systems 24 (1), Summer 2007, pp. 205-236

    "On the Assessment of the Strategic Value of Information Systems: Conceptual and Analytical Approaches," (with Pinsonneault, A) MIS Quarterly 31 (2), June 2007, pp. 239-265

    "Information Technology and Pricing Decisions: Price Adjustments in Online Computer Markets," (with Lucas, H.) MIS Quarterly 30 (3), September 2006, pp.755-775

    "The Market’s Perception of the Transactional Risks of Information Technology Outsourcing Announcements," (with Gallivan, M. and Kim, J. ) Journal of Management Information Systems 22 (4), Spring 2006, pp. 271-303

    "Co-authorship Dynamics and Knowledge Capital: The Patterns of Cross-Disciplinary Research Collaboration in Information Systems Research," (with Choi, J. and Kim, K.) Journal of Management Information Systems 22 (3), Winter 2005-6, pp. 265-292

    "The Impact of E-Commerce on the Retail Brokerage Industry," (with Bakos, Y., Lucas, H., Simon, G., Viswanathan, S. and Weber, B.) Information Systems Research 16 (4), December 2005, pp. 352-371

Research Areas

    Economics of IT, Consumer Data Analytics, AI & Emerging Technologies, Digital Marketing