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Lee, Kyu-Min Invited Professor 사진
Lee, Kyu-Min Invited Professor
Contact Information
Research Areas Social Networks, Data Science, AI Business Strategy, Business Ecosystem, Complex Systems


    Ph.D. in Statistical Physics, Korea University, 2016
    M.S. in Statistical Physics, Korea University, 2011
    B.S. in Physics, Yonsei University, 2009


    - Invited Professor, College of Business, KAIST (2021-present)
    - Adjunct Professor, College of Business, KAIST (2020)
    - Chief Technology Officer, TechValue, Inc.(2018-2020)
    - Research Assistant Professor, Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy, KAIST (2018-2019)
    - Senior Researcher, Data analysis team, SC Platform Inc. (2017-2018)
    - Data Scientist, Big data analysis and consulting team, LG CNS (2016)
    - Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Basic Science, Korea University (2016)
Publications & Research

Publications (patents, etc.)

    [Journal Articles]
    - H. Kang, Kyu-Min Lee, J.-S. Yang, "The potential for cascading failures in the international trade network", PLoS ONE 19 (3), e0299833 (2024)
    - D. Lee, B. Kim, Y. Kwon, Kyu-Min. Lee, and H. Kwon, "The Illusion of Diffusion: A Percolation Perspective on Social Structure and Segregation in Twitter Networks", Computers in Human Behavior, 148, 107898 (2023)
    - S. Kim, Kyu-Min Lee, and E. Shin, "Who Are the Key Players? Listeners vs Spreaders vs Others", PLoS ONE 18 (5), e0286369 (2023)
    - J.-Y. Kim, Kyu-Min Lee, "Evolution of fairness in the divide-a-lottery game", Scientific Reports 13, 7048 (2023)
    - S. J. Park, Kyu-Min Lee, and J.-S. Yang, "Calculating the country risk ax-embedded in treaty-shopping networks", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 189, 122354 (2023)
    - Kyu-Min Lee, S. Lee, B. Min, and K.-I. Goh, "Threshold cascade dynamics on signed random networks", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: the interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena 168, 113118 (2023)
    - J.-Y. Kim, Kyu-Min Lee, S.-H. Park, "Evolution of Revealing Emotions", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 597, 127268 (2022)
    - N. Berg, J.-Y. Kim, Kyu-Min Lee, "Why is Parochialism Prevalent?: An Evolutionary Approach", J. Econ. Interaction & Coordination, 1-28 (2021)
    - S. J. Park, Kyu-Min Lee, and J.-S. Yang, "Navigating Optimal Treaty-Shopping Routes Using A Multiplex Network Model", PLoS ONE, 16(8), e0256764 (2021)
    - B. Lee, Y. Kim, Kyu-Min. Lee, and J.-S. Yang, "An Agent-Based Model of Deliberative Democracy and Polarization", J. Math. Sociol, 1-22. (2020)
    - B. Lee, Kyu-Min Lee, and J.-S. Yang, "Network structure reveals patterns of legal complexity in human society: The case of the Constitutional legal network", PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0209844 (2019)
    - Kyu-Min Lee, E. Shin, and S. You, "An economic model of friendship and enmity for measuring social balance in networks", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications488, 205 (2017)
    - Kyu-Min Lee and K.-I. Goh, "Strength of weak layers in cascading failures on multiplex networks: case of the international trade network", Nature Scientific Reports 6, 26346 (2016); arXiv:1603.05181.
    - Kyu-Min Lee, B. Min, and K.-I. Goh, "Towards real-world complexity: an introduction to multiplex networks", Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 48 (2015); arXiv:1502.03909.
    - B. Min, S. Lee, Kyu-Min Lee, and K.-I. Goh, "Link overlap, viability, and mutual percolation in multiplex networks", Chaos Soliton Fract. 72, 49 (2015); arXiv:1407.8513.
    - Kyu-Min Lee, C. D. Brummitt, and K.-I. Goh, "Threshold cascades with response heterogeneity in multiplex networks", Phys. Rev. E 90, 062816 (2014); arXiv:1403.3472v2.
    - B. Min, S. D. Yi, Kyu-Min Lee, and K.-I. Goh, "Network robustness of multiplex networks with interlayer degree correlations", Phys. Rev. E 89, 042811 (2014); arXiv:1307.1253.
    - C. D. Brummitt, Kyu-Min Lee, and K.-I. Goh, "Multiplexity-facilitated cascades in networks", Phys. Rev. E 85, 045102(R) (2012); arXiv:1112.0093.
    - Kyu-Min Lee, K.-I. Goh, and I.-M. Kim, "Sandpiles on multiplex networks", J. Korean Phys. Soc. 60, 641 (2012); arXiv:1112.0387.
    - Kyu-Min Lee, J. Y. Kim, W.-k. Cho, K.-I. Goh, and I.-M. Kim, "Correlated multiplexity and connectivity in multiplex random networks", New J. Phys. 14, 033027 (2012); arXiv:1111.0107.
    - Kyu-Min Lee, J.-S. Yang, G. Kim, J. Lee, K.-I. Goh, and I.-M. Kim, "Impact of the topology of global macroeconomic network on the spreading of economic crisis", PLoS ONE 6, e18443 (2011); arXiv:1011.4336.

    [Book chapters, proceedings in books]
    - Kyu-Min Lee, J. Y. Kim, S. Lee, and K.-I. Goh, "Multiplex networks", in Networks of Networks: The Last Frontier of Complexity, Eds. G. D’Agostino and A. Scala (Springer, 2014).

Research Areas


    Social Media and Network Analysis(BIZ585)

      Artificial Intelligence Business Strategy(BIZ693)

        Business Modeling Analysis(BME587)