Lee, Kyu-Min Invited Professor
Contact Information
- Office.7213
- Tel.02-958-3639
- E-mail.kyuminlee@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage/Lab.http://scholar.google.co.kr/citations?user=Af5XPeYAAAAJ&hl=ko
Research Areas Social Networks, Data Science, AI Business Strategy, Business Ecosystem, Complex Systems
- Ph.D. in Statistical Physics, Korea University, 2016
M.S. in Statistical Physics, Korea University, 2011
B.S. in Physics, Yonsei University, 2009
- - Invited Professor, College of Business, KAIST (2021-present)
- Adjunct Professor, College of Business, KAIST (2020)
- Chief Technology Officer, TechValue, Inc.(2018-2020)
- Research Assistant Professor, Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy, KAIST (2018-2019)
- Senior Researcher, Data analysis team, SC Platform Inc. (2017-2018)
- Data Scientist, Big data analysis and consulting team, LG CNS (2016)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Basic Science, Korea University (2016)
Publications & Research
Publications (patents, etc.)
- [Journal Articles]
- H. Kang, Kyu-Min Lee, J.-S. Yang, "The potential for cascading failures in the international trade network", PLoS ONE 19 (3), e0299833 (2024)
- D. Lee, B. Kim, Y. Kwon, Kyu-Min. Lee, and H. Kwon, "The Illusion of Diffusion: A Percolation Perspective on Social Structure and Segregation in Twitter Networks", Computers in Human Behavior, 148, 107898 (2023)
- S. Kim, Kyu-Min Lee, and E. Shin, "Who Are the Key Players? Listeners vs Spreaders vs Others", PLoS ONE 18 (5), e0286369 (2023)
- J.-Y. Kim, Kyu-Min Lee, "Evolution of fairness in the divide-a-lottery game", Scientific Reports 13, 7048 (2023)
- S. J. Park, Kyu-Min Lee, and J.-S. Yang, "Calculating the country risk ax-embedded in treaty-shopping networks", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 189, 122354 (2023)
- Kyu-Min Lee, S. Lee, B. Min, and K.-I. Goh, "Threshold cascade dynamics on signed random networks", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: the interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena 168, 113118 (2023)
- J.-Y. Kim, Kyu-Min Lee, S.-H. Park, "Evolution of Revealing Emotions", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 597, 127268 (2022)
- N. Berg, J.-Y. Kim, Kyu-Min Lee, "Why is Parochialism Prevalent?: An Evolutionary Approach", J. Econ. Interaction & Coordination, 1-28 (2021)
- S. J. Park, Kyu-Min Lee, and J.-S. Yang, "Navigating Optimal Treaty-Shopping Routes Using A Multiplex Network Model", PLoS ONE, 16(8), e0256764 (2021)
- B. Lee, Y. Kim, Kyu-Min. Lee, and J.-S. Yang, "An Agent-Based Model of Deliberative Democracy and Polarization", J. Math. Sociol, 1-22. (2020)
- B. Lee, Kyu-Min Lee, and J.-S. Yang, "Network structure reveals patterns of legal complexity in human society: The case of the Constitutional legal network", PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0209844 (2019)
- Kyu-Min Lee, E. Shin, and S. You, "An economic model of friendship and enmity for measuring social balance in networks", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications488, 205 (2017)
- Kyu-Min Lee and K.-I. Goh, "Strength of weak layers in cascading failures on multiplex networks: case of the international trade network", Nature Scientific Reports 6, 26346 (2016); arXiv:1603.05181.
- Kyu-Min Lee, B. Min, and K.-I. Goh, "Towards real-world complexity: an introduction to multiplex networks", Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 48 (2015); arXiv:1502.03909.
- B. Min, S. Lee, Kyu-Min Lee, and K.-I. Goh, "Link overlap, viability, and mutual percolation in multiplex networks", Chaos Soliton Fract. 72, 49 (2015); arXiv:1407.8513.
- Kyu-Min Lee, C. D. Brummitt, and K.-I. Goh, "Threshold cascades with response heterogeneity in multiplex networks", Phys. Rev. E 90, 062816 (2014); arXiv:1403.3472v2.
- B. Min, S. D. Yi, Kyu-Min Lee, and K.-I. Goh, "Network robustness of multiplex networks with interlayer degree correlations", Phys. Rev. E 89, 042811 (2014); arXiv:1307.1253.
- C. D. Brummitt, Kyu-Min Lee, and K.-I. Goh, "Multiplexity-facilitated cascades in networks", Phys. Rev. E 85, 045102(R) (2012); arXiv:1112.0093.
- Kyu-Min Lee, K.-I. Goh, and I.-M. Kim, "Sandpiles on multiplex networks", J. Korean Phys. Soc. 60, 641 (2012); arXiv:1112.0387.
- Kyu-Min Lee, J. Y. Kim, W.-k. Cho, K.-I. Goh, and I.-M. Kim, "Correlated multiplexity and connectivity in multiplex random networks", New J. Phys. 14, 033027 (2012); arXiv:1111.0107.
- Kyu-Min Lee, J.-S. Yang, G. Kim, J. Lee, K.-I. Goh, and I.-M. Kim, "Impact of the topology of global macroeconomic network on the spreading of economic crisis", PLoS ONE 6, e18443 (2011); arXiv:1011.4336.
[Book chapters, proceedings in books]
- Kyu-Min Lee, J. Y. Kim, S. Lee, and K.-I. Goh, "Multiplex networks", in Networks of Networks: The Last Frontier of Complexity, Eds. G. D’Agostino and A. Scala (Springer, 2014).
Research Areas
Social Media and Network Analysis(BIZ585)
Artificial Intelligence Business Strategy(BIZ693)
Business Modeling Analysis(BME587)
- Content : Bae, ImKoo
- Email : hjchoi7@kaist.ac.kr